Thoughts on health and fitness during lockdown.

stay at home on a smartphome screen display

Photo by ready made on

As we enter another 3 weeks of lockdown in the UK, I’ve been reflecting on the last 3 weeks and what were the positives and negatives with regards to health and fitness.

When you coach, its always best to think of giving feedback like preparing a sandwich. The good stuff is the first thing you say (the first slice of the bread). The not so good stuff is the ham/cheese or “Vegan” alternative filling of the sandwich. Finally, you finish off with some more positive feedback (the top slice of bread).

So here is my “Covid-19” sandwich.

The Good.

  • I have finally let go of the “Perfectionist” attitude when it comes to posting exercise videos on social media. Before all this I was so concerned about having absolutely perfect I wouldn’t post, but now I’m not worried if the lighting is rubbish and my dogs, kids or husband walk in on shot. To be fair, I’ve never worried about hair and makeup or having matching workout wear so that’s never been an issue! The bottom line is, this is what I love doing, have spent years studying, and feel I want to share that knowledge and experience.
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I am now over my FB video fear!

  • It’s been great to go back to basics. When you take away the machines, the range of lifting equipment and all the “Toys” we are now used to in the fitness world, you are left with just you and what you have around you. Master the basics and you will be amazed how easy the more “advanced” stuff feels when you get back to it. Brush up your body weight squat, learn a proper hinge using a broom handle up against your back so you feel the push back of your hips without losing contact of the broom. Nail one perfect push-up carry heavy bags with strong posture, lunge without falling over. When you can do one perfectly next perform it slower, then pause at the bottom to increase intensity, it doesn’t need to be complicated.
  • The feedback I have had from clients is that they feel they can get a good home workout in less time than they thought. Intent, purpose and planning are the three things that make this work. Intent- really focus on each rep make it beautiful and make it tough enough for you. Purpose- Know why you are doing it. Are you working out to improve your strength for performance, injury rehab or just to get movement? Planning- Set a time to work out, know what exercises, reps and sets you are going to do.
  • When it comes to nutrition, I’ve become a master of using pulses, beans and whatever is in the cupboard. In times like this your spice and herb cupboard can make a huge difference.
  • Eating more meals as a family highlights the fact that good nutrition is more than just numbers and nutrients, it’s about social and emotional wellbeing too.
  • I love hearing the birds and breathing in the fresher air.

Rocky chillin in the sunshine.


The Bad

  • Social media can be a blessing in times like these and a curse. It helps keep us connected provides great free content to keep us fit. The downside is it offers a platform for ridiculous conspiracy theories and exploitation of vulnerable people. Look, if taking a certain supplement or drinking a certain tea prevented or cured Covid-19 do you think we would be in the current situation we are in?
  • It’s sad that some people in the fitness world would rather put their work out ahead of the health of others. Don’t complain your gym is closed, or you can only go on one run. Some people’s lives will have been changed forever due to losing a loved one or by what they have witness during their work. A few months of not seeing a squat rack, track or pitch is not life changing
  • Not having physical contact with family and friends is tough and has made me feel even more strongly that to be truly “Healthy” you need emotional, environmental and physical wellbeing.
  • Beating yourself up for stuff that is not in your control will not help your emotional or Physical health. Sometimes just turning off the news and stepping into another room or outside space if it’s safe helps.
white printer paper with be kind text on plants

to others and yourself


Back to the good.


  • I’m still learning! There are people giving lots of amazing free resources and their time, so we can all come out of this stronger. If you work with me, I’m determined to “Pay it forward” to keep you progressing as well during this time.
  • Even though it’s tough at times to be all under the same roof, I’m enjoying the slower pace of life in the knowledge it is keeping others safe.
  • I have learnt that maybe liking to talk about cooking shows, box sets, and animals in between sets with my clients is a good thing! As they all have stuck with me, when they could have just switched Joe Wickes on!
  • Finally, Captain Tom Moore he sums up pretty much everything that’s good about this time. Donate if you can
left human hand

Go captain Tom,


Stay safe, stay well.

If you want to catch up on some workouts, sausage dog madness and fitness talk check out on Facebook