It’s that time of year again.

I was doing so well, I got to November 30th then I caved in. I bought myself a “Green & Blacks” chocolate advent calendar.

Now you might be thinking I feel bad because it’s chocolate, or because it doesn’t fit with my “Macro’s” (I admire you if you eat numbers and there is a place for that but just not in my life at this time) it is none of those. My guilt is because even though it was reduced in price by £2 I still could have bought 4 large bars for the price of 24 bite size chunks!!!

That is Christmas for you, we tend to lose all sense of reason and rationale. Hands up I’m guilty. Having a chocolate advent calendar for the kids, means I have no problem getting them out of bed in the morning when they can have chocolate at breakfast!

I also think they take great pleasure in the fact that they know that in my head my “F**k it any thing to make the morning battle easier” and “OH no, this is not inline with my professional ethics” personalities are doing 12 rounds with each other.

The thing is, I know that this is only a brief snap shot of what mine and my children’s nutrition is. To their credit they practice their own self regulations, they stop when they are full, and will turn down sweets if they have already had some that day. That is not me being full on military mummy and drilling into them this is “Bad” this is “Good” I believe that the more I make something “Naughty” the more they will want it.

We do have discussions about why maybe eating too much of something may not be a great idea, but that doesn’t revolve around weight or size. It often will be about foods that make your bones stronger, give you energy for longer, build muscle or foods that maybe rot your teeth if you eat too many of them. I encourage them to put foods into perspective.

Many people worry about Christmas when it comes to diet and exercise, it becomes a time to feel guilty rather than joyful. I believe this time of year can have lots of positive impacts on your health, but maybe we just need to ditch the guilt and stop trying to be perfect.

Christmas positives.


  • You are more than likely to have one meal a day when you eat at least 5 portions of fruit or veg.


  • Most people will reintroduce themselves to their cooker


  • We sit around the table to eat


  • Food regains its “Social” qualities rather than being just fuel


  • We connect with more people (ok, sometimes that can be a tense family time!)


  • Hopefully we all take a break from our screens!


  • We may have time off from work. If you do think carefully about how you want to use it.


  • Families get out and walk.  Being outside is great for stress reduction ,you might need it after 3 hours with the in-laws!


Once the festive season is over how many of us keep eating chocolate for breakfast along side a full English or cook turkey, gammon and beef in one sitting? I don’t know about you but I’m craving something a little less rich by New Year, so enjoy it while it’s here.



Stir fried sprout anyone?




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